
Recent research papers from Finance for the Future include:

Surviving 2023: How to manage the coming economic crisis

A plan for the economic crisis that is coming our way

Funding the Local Green New Deal 

Most debate on the Green New Deal is focused on national issues. In this report we look at how local Green New Deals can be financed, with a focus on the use of credit unions.

The QuEST for a Green New Deal- How do we pay for it?

In by far our most comprehensive review of how to fund the Green New Deal we update our thinking and support data on savings, pensions and quantitative easing and the role that they have to play in finding the measures to tackle climate change - which we call the QuEST for a Green New Deal (quantitative easing, savings and tax).

Green Recovery Bonds

In this paper, the Green New Deal Group called on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to unveil a new, market-leading ‘Green Recovery Bond’ ISA this summer. The report, Green Recovery Bonds: Funding green homes for all, by Group members Colin Hines and Richard Murphy suggested that the tens of billions of pounds this could raise should be spent making all the UK’s 30 million buildings energy efficient, creating jobs in every constituency.

Green Recovery

In a July 2020 Submission to the Labour Party’s consultation document ‘Green Recovery’ Professor Richard Murphy and Colin Hines detailed proposals of how to feasibly fund the multi-billions required annually for the transformation to the Green New Deal.

Funding the Green New Deal: How we could Save for the Planet

Perhaps our most important report to date, in this paper, which has a forward by Caroline Lucas MP, we argue that funding the Green New Deal requires changes to UK savings laws. We set out how these might work and how all the capital to fund the Green New Deal could potentially be raised as a result. Published in December 2019.

How Green Infrastructure Quantitative Easing would work

The paper, published as a blog on Tax Research UK sets out how green quantitative easing might actually work. The ideas have now been overtaken to some degree by later papers.

Finance for the Future published three major papers a decade ago, all of which remain of relevance now, although some of the ideas have been updated in later work:

Tax Briefing

A briefing by Richard Murphy, Caroline Lucas MP and Colin Hines on why the 2010 coalition’s programme of cuts was not needed that set out a  viable alternative.

Making Pensions Work

A briefing by Richard Murphy and Colin Hines on why at present all pensions in the UK are effectively paid by the state and why our pension system and the conditions for the tax reform that they enjoy must be reformed as a consequence. Discussion of this report can be

Green Quantitative Easing

A paper by Richard Murphy and Colin Hines from 2010 exploring the whole issue of quantitative easing. We suggested that because the first round of quantitative easing was captured for the benefit of the finance industry any new round must be very different with cash being spent into the economy to create a Green New Deal nationally and locally, with the only debt to be repurchased being PFI debt, to remove once and for all the legacy of that appalling system of finance.